welcome to a comfort carrd! stay as long as you'd like.
feel free to play the song above as you go through this!
1. breathing exercises
2. calming gifs
3. space stuff
4. link to a halfalive faves playlist
(halfalive is pretty calming In My Opinion. so hopefully it helps you too.)
5. checkpoint carrd link
6. distract yourself carrd link
7. Black mental health matters carrd
hopefully this helps, even if it's just a little bit.
7-11 breathing
breathe out and empty your lungs completely of airinhale for 7 seconds, slowlyexhale for 11 seconds - but if you can't exhale for that long, it's okay! just make sure you exhale for more than 7 seconds. repeat as much times as you need!
4 - 7 - 8 breathing
inhale for 4 secondshold your breath for 7 seconds, mentally countingexhale for 8 secondsrepeat as much times as you need!
calming gifs!

did you know - every single planet has gravity and an axis?
we all have our own, minor gravity too. it's pretty cool.